Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to install BOTS EDI on Ubuntu Server 10.10 with MySQL Database

Bots is complete software for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange): translate and communicate.
All major edi data formats are supported: edifact, x12, tradacoms, xml.
Here some tips for the installation process on ubuntu server using mysql instead of sqlite as database
Fisrst of all we need to install the following packages:
sudo apt-get install python-cherrypy3 python-django python-mysqldb python-sqlalchemy
Let's create a new user and db schema for BOTS:
mysql -h localhost -u root -p
CREATE USER 'bots'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'botsbots';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON botsdb.* TO 'bots'@'localhost';
Download the program and uncompress it, then check if you have installed python (normally should be already installed), if not go to synaptic and search python select it and install it (the dependencis will be installed automatcatly)
tar -xzvf bots-2.0.2.tar.gz
django-admin syncdb --pythonpath='/home/danilo/bots-2.0.2/bots' --settings='bots.config.settings'

sudo python setup.py install

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